Previous Episode: 032: Los Angeles

Avengers and cheddar goblins! It’s Film Loop Oscar Week! In this first part, Darian and Victor take a break from nostalgia and discuss their respective top ten films of 2018. Starting from ten, your hosts go down the list and offer up some surprises and shocks. Who says the Academy owns the monopoly on best picture? Join us and see if your top ten films of 2018 match ours!



2nd Annual Film Loop Oscar Pool

The Oscar Pool is now closed! Thank you to everyone who participated this year! As soon as the Oscars award ceremony wraps up, we’ll get to tallying the results and announce the winner of the 2nd Annual Film Loop Oscar Pool!



Darian and Victor’s Top Ten Films of 2018

Film Loop is a movie podcast hosted by Victor De Anda (a GenXer) and Darian Davis (a Millennial). Every episode, each host picks one movie from their past to share with the other, and together they debate and ruminate over their favorite moments as the generations collide! To stay in the loop, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @filmloopshow, show your love by rating and reviewing us on iTunes here:, and visit us at!