In preparation for his latest release, Darian and Victor are honoring director Steven Spielberg with two of their favorites. Darian begins with a childhood classic featuring Robin Williams as the Pan in 1991’s “Hook.” Victor continues with an underrated gem, 1979’s “1941.”



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Film Loop: Season 1 Playlist on Spotify

We have a Spotify playlist! All your favorite themes and songs from the movies we discuss on the podcast are collected in one place for you to listen to when you’re not listening to Film Loop!



Hook Trailer -


Behind the Scenes of “Hook” -


1941 Trailer -


Spielberg talks about “1941” -


Behind the Scenes Photo Montage from “1941” -


The Cinerama Dome in Hollywood -


Can it be!? No flubs last episode! (that we know of…)


Film Loop is a movie podcast hosted by GenXer, Victor De Anda and Millennial, Darian Davis. Every episode, each host picks one movie from their past to share with the other, and together they debate and ruminate over their favorite moments as the generations collide! To stay in the loop, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @filmloopshow, show your love by rating and reviewing us on iTunes, and visit us at!