Welcome to a special episode of the Film & Loathing podcast! This week we have a blast from the past as we review two films that are turning 30 years old in 2020, Paul Verhoeven's TOTAL RECALL and Gary Marshall's PRETTY WOMAN. We also talk about some other things that we've been watching and whatever else comes up along the way. As always, thanks for downloading and tuning in and any feedback on the show can be sent to [email protected]

Thanks for listening!

0:00 - Intro

19:40 - PRETTY WOMAN review

44:38 - TOTAL RECALL review

1:15:46 - What We've Been Watching (Cheers, Dexter season 4, Apocalpyto, Californication, Patton Oswalt: I Love Everything, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Just Go With It, Back to the Future Part II)

2:04:30 - Outro
