Adam McPartlan was at the Capital Irish Film Festival 2016 and talked to some of the filmmakers.

Director Alex Fegan and producer Garry Walsh of Older Than Ireland - a landmark documentary that tells the story of a hundred years of a life as seen through the eyes of thirty Irish centenarians.

Rachel Lysaght, producer of Traders - two strangers put all of their money into one bag and fight to the death to claim it all.

Donncha Gilmore, writer of Bonsoir Luna - an Irish-language musical, which tells the story of Duke, a street artist, and Luna, a blind barista, who fall in love.

Paddy Hayes, director of Deoch an Dorais (Name Your Poison)- the legend of Mike Malloy, the man who wouldn’t die.

Eileen Davis and David Dryden, co-directors of Together in Pieces - the infamous murals of Northern Ireland that have plagued both communities are being painted over into something more positive.

The Capital Irish Film Festival 2016 took place 3 - 16 March.