FILM HAGS is back for season 1.5 (yes, it's a thing, helloooo The Lion King 1 1/2) and they're thirstier than ever. In anticipation for season 2, Boom and Sophs will be covering new releases and they're making sure to start off with a bang.

This week, they're joined by the illustrious Beks & Marcie to talk about number 1 sad boi Prince of Gotham: The Batman. More importantly, they dig into why this is one of—if not THE—hottest superhero movie of all time and why Selina Kyle is the hero we all needed. WARNING: This episode is thirsty as HELL. Think of it as a celebration of how goddamn sexy this movie is. From Batman's eyeliner to Catwoman's... well... everything, the four of them deconstruct why this superhero power couple belong in the hall of fame of SEXUAL TENSION.

Please go check out Marcie's wonderful podcast The Movie Mixtape!

FILM HAGS is a TAPEDECK podcast, along with our friends at 70mm, Cinenauts, Dune Pod, BAT & SPIDER, Will Run For... and Lost Light. Check out any of these pods if you love creative and fun people talkin' bout things they love!