Previous Episode: Episode 27- Sorcerer (1977)

We are delighted to bring you another swapcast with former Film Gold guest and my podcasting ‘spiritual brother’, Julian Charles of ‘The Mind Renewed’.

On the docket this time is a true classic from the master, Stanley Kubrick. It’s a film that works beautifully on the level of pure comedy but is absolutely packed with layers of meaning, both overt and subtle, and is a showcase for the remarkable and unique talents of Peter Sellers.

Julian and Antony talk about Kubrick, Sellers, the rest of the cast, the film’s many virtues, its themes and much more…

We hope you enjoy the show!

'Film Gold' is on all the main podcast platforms.

Feedback to [email protected]



Antony's website (blog, music, podcasts) ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Antony’s John Lennon/Beatles and Psychology/Alt. Media podcasts ⁠⁠⁠

Julian’s website and podcast

episode links

The Making of Dr. Strangelove

Learning To Love The Bomb (video essay)

On Thermonuclear War (Herman Kahn)

Peter Sellers and George C Scott ‘interviews’ on the set (1963)

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