Easily my favorite episode. Next week is Inglorious Basterds (I think). Hold onto your butts! (There are spoilers so maybe watch the movies first if you haven't)

We discuss the ins and outs of “revenge,” the differences between moms and dads, how a samurai sword is like a penis, and the process of becoming powerful.


“Often revenge is not a conscious decision but gravity swinging back the pendulum, getting back to center. Every act of revenge is an attempt to remove instability, to spit in the face of Law 2 of Thermodynamics, to put functions and systems in place to keep the room from continuously getting damned dirty.”


“Now that I’ve dropped the F-bomb a few times, I’ll do my best to give you a more accurate description of what I view as the defining characteristics of the abstract notion of fathering. The closest concept revolves around acceptance: a mother accepts a child for what it is. A father…”


“One thing you gotstuh realize is that a samurai sword is the ultimate Asian penis metaphor. Seriously: nothing comes close except maybe those dragon costumes. KB volume 1 is all about Uma getting her peepee back. She goes from…”


“Bret Easton Ellis, whom ya’ll know I have a mainly hate-hate relationship, recently said that, quote, ‘Democratization, this demand of inclusivity regardless or skill or talent (especially of the younger generation) is a virus.’ The quote is essentially…”


“Females are the reason humanity has yet to destroy itself, not only duh b/c men can’t switch genders like Nemos and squirt out mini-squidwards of their own, but the psychological/ physiological effects of caring for something both not you and you completely changes….”