A company asked me to review their documentary (Incarcerating US) but it was basically half baked propaganda about prisons, mandatory minimums, and the evil that is justice in the US. So I decided to tear the doc a new one.

 “How come you don't attack conservative propaganda, Runge?”

Because that wouldn’t balance the world we live in:
Anything remotely critical of African Americans: racist; must be in KKK
Anything anti-abortion or anti-birth control: sexist; must hate women
Anything pro-gun: you must sleep with a rifle and adore mass shootings.
Anything that even hints at taxing the rich less: Ok district 1, tell us if you ever come to reality.

This is the emotionally incompetent PC culture we live in i.e. 90% of what we find on Reddit, Imgur, twitter, and the news.

If the pendulum ever swings back (which it might) and I have 1dimensional conservative/right wing arguments shoved down my throat day in and day out, I’ll crucify that simplistic moronicism, but that’s not the world we live in.