Louise Winstanley has been working with ABColombia since 2010. As Programme and Advocacy Manager, Louise’s role is to manage and co-ordinate the work of ABColombia - the joint advocacy project of five leading British and Irish organisations with programmes in Colombia: CAFOD, Christian Aid UKI, Oxfam GB, SCIAF and Trócaire. Amnesty International and PBI are observers. ABColombia members work with over one hundred partner organisations in Colombia. Many of ABColombia partners are local and national women organisations and human rights defenders working specifically on issues impacting Indigenous, Afro-Descendant and peasant farmer communities. ABColombia has been working with women's organisations throughout the Peace Talks to support ethnic leaders and civil society organisations to achieve a gender focus in the Peace Accord. Louise speaks here with FiLiA volunteer Marta Nunez.

Find out more:
Twitter: @ABColombia1
Instagram: abcolombia
Youtube: ABColombia
ABColombia website: https://www.abcolombia.org.uk

Write a letter to your MP about the situation in Colombia - draft copy here!


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