Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes spoke at the FiLiA Conference in 2019:

I am an activist, EFL teacher, sociologist, feminist Lesbian, writer and publisher.

As a feminist Lesbian writer and reader, I practise Sym/biography and Flourishing (two concepts I have coined and developed throughout the years).

As a publisher I give huge importance to the enmeshing of both concepts above in a wider system called Bibliodiversity.

As a writer, I love to ‘memory’ in company, so I form part of Las Juanas (feminist literary collective of women), SLAP (Latin-American poets and writers) and to Exiled Writers Ink.

I teach English to Syrian refugees in Shropshire (as part of the Refugee Council) and I am one of the three Directors of the Festival El Sueño Existe.

I am also a member of the Autobiography Study Group of the British Sociological Association




La Liberación de la Eva Desgarrada (1990) Poetry

Arena En la Garganta (2011) Poetry

Wonder-Makers: Navigators of the Thames: Stories and other narratives (2016) Bilingual Spanish-English with Las Juanas literary collective

Wonder-Makers: Navigators of the Thames (2015) (Bilingual Spanish-English Poetry with Las Juanas

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