Angelika Chaffey discusses You My Sister, new charity set up to support survivors of the sex trade - whose work is heavily informed by exited women. You My Sister’s first project was to create a unique mental health recovery programme specifically tailored for women who have exited any branch of the porn/sex trade. This has been created and will be delivered with survivors and is a hugely powerful form of peer-led guided recovery. It is run online so, in theory, women from anywhere in the world could take part! The course takes women through their journey, from understanding why they entered the sex industry, how the industry works to keep women trapped within it through to exiting and moving on. The emphasis is on understanding in a supportive setting with others with similar experiences and on ending self blame, self hatred and shame and instead for women to learn to like themselves, forge positive relationships, rediscover what they enjoy. Angelika joins FiLiA’s Gemma Aitchison in discussion about her work and this course, which will begin 9th October 2020.


You My Sister Website

Find out more about the course, email to enrol: [email protected]

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