The Feminist Student Society at the University of Bristol, Women Talk Back! provides a space for women to engage in lively discussion and debate. They are in pursuit of global liberation from all forms of patriarchy. They therefore centre all women who experience misogyny, but who may also face racism, anti-lesbianism, classism and other forms of structural discrimination that arise from male domination.

Women Talk Back! are committed to the power of sisterhood and believe that it is only through an understanding of women's similarities and differences that they can liberate themselves from patriarchy.
Women Talk Back! believes that dialogue with each other is the first step towards liberation from oppressive structures and practices. They welcome women from all backgrounds to join and take part in all aspects of the group. They aim to foster a culture of collective responsibility, care, and honesty with ourselves and one another.

Founding Members
May Mundt-Leach is a graduate in Social Policy and Sociology from the University of Bristol. She set up Women Talk Back! in the living room of her university flat in 2018 as she felt that there were few spaces on campus where women could come together and talk about the issues affecting them. Having worked in France after graduating, she is now looking to pursue postgraduate studies in social research in the UK. She is particularly interested in the role that policy and social interventions play in the everyday lives of women and girls.

Diana Barrera Moreno is Women Talk Back!'s Unruliness Coordinator. An enthusiast of dance, nature, art, and sport. She believes that the creation of a better reality for women is possible. She has helped hosting our weekly consciousness-raising gatherings, and multiple street safety workshops, as well as other hands-on projects. She has organised regular women-only parkour sessions across Bristol and encourages women to roam about in the outdoors. She is concerned about the pervasive nature of violence against women and will address the importance of visibilising this plight in society.

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