What's this? A new File Under: Entertainment episode in your feed? Surely your eyes deceive you.....NAY! 'TIS REAL KNAVE!

WE'RE BAAAACCCCKK......(and better than ever???) Nah...just back; but that's a start!

In this, the flip side (or, SIDE SPLIT) of The Fall and Green Lantern episode finishes off the Lee Pace and Taika Waititi adventure, as we discuss Captain Marvel and What We Do In The Shadows!

Lee Pace stars in a minor role as Ronan The Accuser in not only one of Eric's favorite Marvel characters, but favorite movie in general, Captain Marvel (2019), which is first on the docket. Once again, Eric is incredibly disappointed that Dylan is not falling all over himself to discuss this film, so Eric doubles down on the fawning over Brie Larson's portrayal and what it means not only for empowered women and the fellow feminists that love them, but also human kind itself and our ever enduring spirit!

We follow that up by laughing at that same humankind for becoming food for the protagonists of Dylan's selection, What We Do In The Shadows (2014). Vampires, Werewolves, laughs, arterial spray, chore wheels, and more are what comprise this bite-sized (pun intended) encapsulation of the mockumentary film, of which Taika Watiti (Taika Watiti) wrote, directed, and starred. 

It's a shorter offering than most (hence the bite-size pun above), but we're getting back into the groove and I'm sure we'll be back to the insanely long offerings of old in no time.

In the meantime, tell us how incredibly happy you are that we are back, by sending us an e-mail, to [email protected]

Or tag us in a Twitter post, why not, @FileUnderPod. We can also be found over at TikTok @fileunderpod. 

Give Dylan a follow on that same platform and get a glimpse into the dark but incredibly creative mind of Deathpact Bogart, by following @listennatalia. 

Dylan's album, as Listen, Natalia, entitled 'Sweetest Girl', can be found on Spotify, SoundCloud, and other platforms. It's great, and I'm not just saying that because he's my brother. He's getting some much deserved attention with this, so get in on the ground floor before he blows up, and then you can be one of the pretentious hipsters thumbing your nose at all the newbies when you can say "I knew him when he was just a podcast host". https://open.spotify.com/album/0GpCXxrpFQ7T00Adt1rg1s

If you'd like to hear more from Eric every week, you can also find me over at The Evil Mark Show, where I join Mark to talk sports (primarily college football), with some pop culture and food talk thrown in for good measure. If you like sports-ball but the '4 letter network' shows make you want to hurl, come on over and get your hot takes from Mark and I instead. (We make no promises as to your level of disappointment.) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-evil-mark-show/id1583787054

Wanna show the world how much you love the show? You can, by sporting File Under merch! Score some at https://file-under-entertainment-shop.launchcart.store/shop?page=1

We'll be back with our 'D' music episode next week!