Hey all! Back after a couple weeks with new content, albeit a minisode as we just wrap up season 1 and talk about what we'll be doing in season 2!

Get ready for a LOT of content to hit your feed, as we will be following our alphabetical approach in discussing music A-Z, but also debuting our music interview pod, where we talk to artists about their, uhhh, art....

But movie fans, don't despair, as we have TWO different types of movie related episodes hitting the feed this season, in Side Splitters, where each episode will be starring in a main role one of the side characters from the initial episode; and our Decades Watching, where we start in 1930 and over the course of 13 episodes get to modern era, discussing all the way, in the way that only Dylan and Eric can!!!

So ready your endorphins for exploding!