Well what do you know, it's our wham bam jam W episode!

We discuss gang warfare epic The Warriors, and Nic Cage weirdness vehicle Willy's Wonderland, after our community segment of course, wherein we read e-mails from our good friends Jake & David over at 'Life Is Unfair', the Malcolm In The Middle rewatch podcast that you absolutely must be listening to as they school us as to where we were wrong about V For Vendetta!

We also talk up another great show that you should be listening to, Para-Nerds podcast with Jessie & Erica. You can hear their promo and get a feel for the premise of the show, trust me, they are funny and engaging and the show comes at a high recommendation. I'm now a subscriber myself, because, you know, I needed yet ANOTHER show to be invested in. ;)

You can find them at:



Or by searching Para-Nerds on your favorite podcatcher!

Tangents include:

Fuck Shia Lebeouf (sp?) - say goodbye to him as a listener (joining the long list the likes of Johnny Depp, Hans Zimmer, Dino Cappacini, Brendan Fraser, etc.        You will NOT be missed.

We can probably add good ol' Nic Cage to that list pretty soon, if he's not there already. Eric is NOT kind to his "acting" of recent times, which is reminiscent of Eric's former pod (the appropriately alliteratively named) What Went Wrong? from 2014 (!) where he discussed Nic Cage's downfall along with wonderful wife Megan and his sister-in-law Trisha. You know what...I'm gonna post that as a bonus episode on this feed tomorrow!! You're welcome! (Also....sorry.)

We also discuss old school games, including The Warriors (obviously), Diablo 2 and it's imminent return, Blast Chamber, Buck Bumble, and more.

We get super contentious in this ep because Eric DARED to have a difference of opinion to Dylan. You'd think I stole his vape pen or something, jeez.

Join us for laughs and wails, and enjoy!

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