Buqle (buckle) up everyone, big ep here with tangents a plenty!

We start out the ep talking at length about the DCEU and how they just can't seem to get any of their live action stuff right (looking at you Snyder Cut), then we proceed to talk a little about The Quest before getting into another tangent about Mortal Kombat, which leads to further spiraling about anime and Eric owning a complete collection of Sailor Moon figures (let's be real...they're dolls).

Then we continue on our quest discussing the uhhh....The Quest, spending {catchphrase} "too long" on that film and then going quickly {pun face} going through Dino Capaccini vehicle The Quick And The Dead. Also, a tangent about if anyone else called (actively calls) Leonardo Dicaprio aforementioned "Dino Capaccini". Our continued sincere apologies to our Italian listeners.

Quip along in our polls by following us on Twitter @FileUnderPod, write us erotic (or non-erotic, no pressure) fan fic via e-mail at [email protected].

No special album art for this ep, since it was a QUICK turnaround from last week. I just can't QUIT being QUIPPY.

*Edit 03/31 - added the album art