Oh hi there! It's our episode "O", where we opine on Odd Thomas and Overlord! 

After a tangentless episode last time we double down on them this go 'round, with rants and raves on:

New York accents, Polish people thinking it's a different month, Dean Koontz' "Watchers" dog Einstein, how that correlates to Eric's dogs and their (hopeful) utilization of (on-order) communication buttons, Dead Island/Dying Light, Wolfenstein, and more.....

Our Twitter followers are slowly growing, but come on, we can see the download numbers, our Twitter support should be much higher than this! We'd love to hear from you and have you vote in our polls @FileUnderPod. 

If Twitter ain't your thing, shoot us an e-mail instead, at [email protected], tell us all the ways that we're wrong, right, or just plain stupid. We just want the interaction!