Happy Halloween!

Since our "D" movies have a spooooky vibe, we decided to push this episode up to post on Halloween week as a nice treat for our listeners. All three of you. Like the 3 Musketeers. But un-like that z grade candy bar, hopefully you won't be throwing this episode out of your Trick or Treat bag at hapless passers-by. Actually, we'll take what we can get. Throw this at whoever, whenever.....

This episode we cover (Tales From The Crypt Presents:) Demon Knight, and Donnie Darko!

Enjoy our convoluted ramblings trying to make sense of the mind-#@!% that is Donnie Darko, and feel free to reach out to us via e-mail at [email protected]. Vote in our polls on Twitter @FileUnderPod.

Please give our friends over at Life Is Unfair podcast a listen, where they discuss Malcolm In The Middle in chronological order. 

And very importantly, if you are able, please look into Let's Play Death Ray (Twitch.tv/LPDEATHRAY) and their 24 hour live stream on November 7th for Extra Life charity in support of Children's Miracle Network. Please help support this important cause by following the link below.
