Whenever you bring a punnet of strawberries to a party, chances are you will be asked if they are Swedish. The Swedes are obsessed with these Earth's rubies that a shortage of them is seen as a major catastrophe. The Swedish strawberries are the "celebrity" fruit during summer as you may have noticed the midsommartårtor or gräddtårtor med jordgubbar in every social gathering at the recent midsummer celebration. They are the key ingredients in many Swedish desserts, too. What makes them so special? They are bite-size; easy to pop them in your mouth, sweet, divine and flavourful, unllike those that I have eaten before. Smultron is a wild strawberry that you can only find them in the forest if you have bionic eyes because they are tinier than the Swedish strawberries. All these talk about strawberries is making me hungry. Enjoy listening to today's podcast while I'll go and pick some smultron before they all run out!