Poignant tale of 5 brave WWII comrades. The story goes back to the start of the war, how these lads met, what special connection brought them together, and what tragedy was to befall some of them. Lance Sergeant William Allan 'Rufty' Hill and Bill Vickers are both honoured in this tragic but poignant tale.

More great unpublished history - of the Second World War.

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Please take my MOBILE survey! I’d be grateful for any feedback on the Fighting Through Podcast, or even early comments on the survey itself.  Replies are completely anonymous. Only 9 simple questions, so do please take a shufty! https://form.jotform.com/202945895781067.

Link to feedback/reviews Thank you.

Full show notes at www.FightingThroughPodcast.co.uk.

A WW2 history podcast on Bill Cheall's war diary and memoirs.

Please note that photos below may or may not display depending on which listening platform you’re using.

Below: Bill Vickers back left and Sgt Allan (Rufty) Hill back right.


Below: An early photo of the band, Rufty marked and Bill third from right - note the leather drum aprons - so Bill was a drummer aswell, not a trumpet player as I suggest in the show!


Below: Bill Vickers - "All the best in the world from Bill to Rufty"



Poignant tale of 5 brave WWII comrades. The story goes back to the start of the war, how these lads met, what special connection brought them together, and what tragedy was to befall some of them. Lance Sergeant William Allan 'Rufty' Hill and Bill Vickers are both honoured in this tragic but poignant tale.

More great unpublished history - of the Second World War.

Links - Not supported by all podcast players:

Facebook page

Please take my MOBILE survey! I’d be grateful for any feedback on the Fighting Through Podcast, or even early comments on the survey itself.  Replies are completely anonymous. Only 9 simple questions, so do please take a shufty! https://form.jotform.com/202945895781067.

Link to feedback/reviews Thank you.

Full show notes at www.FightingThroughPodcast.co.uk.

A WW2 history podcast on Bill Cheall's war diary and memoirs.

Please note that photos below may or may not display depending on which listening platform you’re using.

Below: Bill Vickers back left and Sgt Allan (Rufty) Hill back right.


Below: An early photo of the band, Rufty marked and Bill third from right - note the leather drum aprons - so Bill was a drummer aswell, not a trumpet player as I suggest in the show!


Below: Bill Vickers - "All the best in the world from Bill to Rufty"