My guest today on the Fighting for Joy Podcast is our counselor, Claire Cunningham. Going to counseling has been a huge help in my personal fight for joy these past 6 years - in fact when people want to know what has helped me keep progressing in grief, my appointments with Claire and the things that I have learned through counseling are always at the top on my list.
Not only does Claire help us help us navigate the things that we are in the middle of and dealing with now, but for our particular situation in grief, which is continually changing and shifting as the years go on, she helps us prepare for what lies ahead…what’s coming as we continue on in grief! Our sessions with Claire have been tremendously helpful and such a key component in our healing and progress as we continue to grieve. So whatever difficulties YOU are dealing with in life, big or small, I hope that today’s episode gives you a glimpse into how counseling can be a helpful tool to navigate the hard things in life and help you fight for joy!