In this episode we discuss

- Danny's background working with fight athletes. 
- Fundamentals of Nutrition
- Prerequisites of making weight
- Phases of cutting weight
- Chronic weight loss (Diet) vs acute weight loss (Weight Cut)
- Body water, glycogen, gut residue 
- Optimum body fat for your weight category
- Refuelling after weigh-in
- Factors that will affect your weight cut
- Dangers of weight cuts
- Stories of nightmare weight cuts

Links and resources

- Instagram: @dannylennon_sigma
- Twitter @nutritiondanny
- Facebook 

- Sigma Nutrition Website
- Sigma Nutrition Podcast 
- Weight Cut Manual for Fighters 

Episode Sponsors

Thanks to the above sponsors who continually support our team and the fight community, supporting our services and the resources we put out there.

Redfern Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine @redfernphysio
Bondi Beard Co
The Wellness Guide @wellnessguidesydney
Aeona Coworking Space @aeona