Are you ready to speak your truth and live in alignment with your highest potential? Welcome to Fifth Dimensional Leadership; a podcast that’s dedicated to personal and professional development. Whether you’re an accomplished executive or a leader in training, we invite you to listen, learn, and grow with us.

I’m your host, Ginny Clarke. I am a Senior Leader in a global fortune 20 tech company, an Executive Recruiter who has assessed and coached thousands of executives and other leaders, the author of a book called Career Mapping, and a mother. My aim is to bring a unique perspective not only to leadership but to the whole of who you are.

I created this podcast to provide a reminder of the agency you have over your life. It is my intention to push you to see yourself in ways that you have never prioritized or thought relevant to leadership before. The work we will do together will shift aspects of your professional and personal life so that you’re always operating from a place of greater knowing, confidence, compassion, and purpose.

We will be covering a variety of topics such as power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, imposter syndrome, career management, and more. I will be integrating universal truths, best practices, the components of extraordinary leadership, and the behaviors and mindset of truly successful leaders.

I hope you join me for this very first episode of Fifth Dimensional Leadership and kick start this journey of nurturing and growing your inner leader!

“Lead from where you are with what you have. The time is now.” — Ginny Clarke

Key Takeaways:

[:38] Introducing myself, sharing my background, and welcoming you all to the first episode of Fifth Dimensional Leadership.

[1:40] What Fifth Dimensional Leadership means.

[2:37] What you can expect from this podcast, more about my personal and professional background, and what my intention is for this podcast.

[4:06] The five dimensions of leadership: knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness, and activating your mastery.

[4:22] The format of the Fifth Dimensional Leadership podcast and the topics we’ll be covering.

[4:51] Addressing this current unprecedented time due to COVID-19 and how we can use this time for healing and discovery rather than suffering in the pain and discomfort.

[6:55] Join me for an insightful meditation break.

[9:44] Why we all need to step up and lead from where we are.

[10:44] A story from my past and what it taught me about intelligence and competence.

[11:50] My journey in leadership and what I learned about what makes a truly good leader.

[14:50] An exercise for you to try: reflect on a leader you’ve known in your life and call their name to mind. Ask yourself these questions: what made that leader great? What barriers did this leader face and overcome? How did they lead from where they were? Send this leader your gratitude, your light, your love.

[16:31] The first test of leadership: answering the call.

[17:21] This time is not business as usual. This is why we need to step up as leaders and lead from where we are right now.

[17:46] I invite you to listen and learn with me over the next few episodes from a variety of leaders. I encourage you to do things differently with me and to get creative. I challenge you to use this time and this space to look inward and to focus on you.

[18:11] Let “this is not business as usual” free you to what’s possible and to empower you to lead from where you are.

[18:30] A sneak preview of what my future guest, Shellye Archambeau, had to say about how to anchor on the positives and how to nurture and grow your inner leader during this challenging time.

[19:38] Sharing my curated list of introspective questions to help you begin working on your inner leader: How well do I know myself; my talents, my areas for growth, my blind-spots? How long has it been since I’ve taken stock and reminded myself of all the power that I hold and the strength that I bring? Am I speaking my truth? How do I connect more to that inner-voice; my soul, so that it’s aligned with what’s going on in the world? How am I communicating with intention from that fifth-dimensional space where thoughts, feelings, words, and deeds operate as one? Can I articulate what the meaning of my work is? What is my soul’s desire? What can I do to extend grace to those most in need? What are some ways that I can expand my consciousness; my knowing and understanding of the universe in this current, isolated context? Have I considered taking the time to connect with colleagues or members of my team? Have I acknowledged and accepted that I am the captain of my ship? What are some things I can do to activate my mastery right now? Have you done the rigorous work in establishing the infrastructure to be successful during this challenging time? Do you have the tools to identify movement in the job market? Is your brand presence on point? Have you refreshed your resume and cleaned up your online profile on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., so that they all tell the same professional story?

[22:49] I look forward to partnering with each and every one of you. Thank you for tuning in to the first episode of Fifth Dimensional Leadership!

Mentioned in this Episode:

Shellye Archambeau

Unapologetically Ambitious: Take Risks, Break Barriers, and Create Success on Your Own Terms, by Shellye Archambeau

Jean Houston

About Fifth Dimensional Leadership & Ginny Clarke

Fifth-Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership - knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness and activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert currently leading executive recruiting at a Fortune 20 tech company, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted, and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to the people of all ages and stages.

Every other week, a new edition of Fifth-Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management

Stay Connected!

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