Today we’re trying out a different format on the Fifth Dimensional Leadership podcast and are joined by two leaders that are both early in their careers! This conversation is all about the generation of today. We’re talking college, what a young person thinks about their career path going into college today, whether or not college holds the same importance today, advice and insights around networking and mentorship, tips for those entering their first job, and what success looks like to the early-career leaders of today.


I am very excited to be joined in this conversation by two incredible young people that I know personally — Jessica Chang, and my son, Julian Clarke Mowatt. I first met Jess when she worked with me while I was at Google as part of my Internal Mobility team. She attended U.C. Berkely and went on to work for Teach for America. Currently, she continues to work for Google. My son, Julian, attended the University of Southern California and graduated with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Management with a minor in the School of Cinematic Arts. His passion lies in working in the entertainment industry. He first worked for WME out of college as a Floating and currently holds the position of Executive Assistant to filmmaker and actor, Kevin Smith.


This conversation is impactful for all generations. If you are a leader of my generation, you may find it particularly insightful as a parent of young folks going into college. We truly can learn a lot from the current generation’s ideas around what leadership needs to look like. I hope you’ll join me in listening to these two quick-witted early-career leaders.


Key Takeaways:

[:50] About this episode’s new format and conversation with Jess and Julian.

[2:30] Welcoming Jess and Julian to the podcast!

[2:34] Jess introduces herself and shares about her education, career background, and passions.

[3:27] Julian introduces himself and shares about his education, career background, and passions.

[4:18] From a career standpoint, what was Jess thinking about when she was first thinking about going to college?

[7:19] Julian shares about his upbringing and his path into college, during college, and after.

[12:24] Key statistics on graduating from college and university.

[13:39] Does Jess think that attending college still makes sense for people?

[14:56] Julian shares his perspective on whether he believes it is still important for young people to attend college. He also shares his predictions on what the future of the college application process may look like.

[17:09] Jess speaks about some of the other benefits of college.

[17:57] My early dreams of going into college and the importance of using your time in college as a period of self-exploration.

[19:29] Julian shares about one of his favorite classes in college, Strategic Management, and why it stood out to him.

[20:12] Jess also shares her insights on the importance of self-exploration (and especially during these college years).

[20:38] Jess opens up about what she looked for in a career post-college vs. what she should’ve looked for in a career, as well as what it was like for her to transition from a college student to a working professional.

[22:40] Julian speaks about what some of his early work experiences were like in the entertainment industry.

[26:24] The importance of networking and mentorship, and Jess’ advice on finding a good mentor and forming a good relationship.

[29:20] Julian shares his insights, advice, and experiences with networking.

[31:32] Jess asks: How do you make a good impression early on in your career?

[33:38] How Julian approached the conversation of asking for more work at his current job.

[34:47] Julian asks: What are the best methods for self-promoting and self-advocating within your current role and to potential employers?

[38:32] Jess’ experience and thoughts on the importance of self-advocacy.

[39:21] Julian shares advice and key insights as he reflects on his early career experiences.

[41:35] The key characteristics of those who are able to let their guard down, empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity.

[43:45] Talking imposter syndrome: what may be at the route of it and how to overcome it.

[48:00] What does success look like to Jess?

[50:41] What does success look like to Julian?

[52:42] Jess shares a single piece of advice for early-career leaders.

[54:27] Julian shares his one piece of advice for early-career leaders.

[55:09] Jess and Julian share an additional tip for early-career leaders.

[56:32] Sharing a few additional pieces of advice.

[57:37] Thanking Jess and Julian for joining the Fifth Dimensional Leadership podcast!


Mentioned in this Episode:

Jessica Chang

Julian Clarke Mowatt

Teach for America



About Fifth Dimensional Leadership & Ginny Clarke Fifth-Dimensional Leadership is a podcast about leadership — knowing yourself, speaking your truth, inspiring love, expanding your consciousness and activating your mastery. As an executive recruiter and career expert currently leading executive recruiting at a Fortune 20 tech company, Ginny Clarke is a passionate and authentic thought leader with a unique and deliberate perspective on work and life. She synthesizes aspects of her life as an African-American single mother who has successfully navigated corporate America for over 30 years. She has inspired, uplifted, and changed the lives of thousands and is intentional about bringing conscious awareness to people of all ages and stages.   Every other week, a new edition of Fifth-Dimensional Leadership will include fascinating guests, covering a variety of topics: power, personal branding, self-awareness, networking, fear, and career management   Stay Connected! To find more episodes or learn more, visit: Connect with her on social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube

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