I had so much fun with this interview! You all will LOVE Tonya as a guest on this podcast! We go over all things with mindset, stepping into your vision, real life behind success, and so much more! Sit back and enjoy this super fun episode!


Tonya Vanderhart is a Mindset Coach for ambitious females (both entrepreneurs and athletes) looking to push the limits and hit the next level of success in their journey. Before taking the leap into Entrepreneurship and truly stepping into her purpose, Tonya spent 50+ hours a week as a Marketing Professional in the corporate world. Growing up she played competitive soccer and believes that's where she first realized the power of her mindset. She now runs a Successful Online Business helping female leaders uncover the upper limits they've placed on themselves (both consciously and subconsciously), while completely transforming their self confidence. She's been known as the Mindset Queen by her community, and deeply believes in "feeling your fear and doing it anyway"!



In this episode we talked about: 

-Unleashing and stepping into your vision!

-Mastering your mindset!

-Getting out of your routine!

-Listening to your heart!

-Releasing the ‘what-if’s’!

-Real life behind success!

-What to do when life is throwing you backwards!

-Derailing your ego!

-Empowering your thoughts!




-Who is Tonya? Tell us about your journey and how you got here! 

-What kind of advice do you have for those people who are ready to make a change but need a bit more of a kick in the ass to make the decision?

-What tips do you have to derail fear and the “what if” obstacles?

-What is something most people don’t know about you?

-When people go through a tragedy, what do you do for yourself when you are in those situations when life is throwing you back?

-What encouraged you to open up the door to athletes and not just business owners when it comes to mindset? 

-When the ego comes up, what do you suggest to do?

-Can you tell us about a specific obstacle that you had to overcome that made you feel really victorious? 

-What does your daily activity look like?

-Do you have any suggestions on tapping into your intuition more on a daily basis?
-What is the most exciting thing that you are doing/working on right now?

-Where can they find you?


Favorite quotes

“When your mission or what you are here to do is bigger than yourself then nothing can stand in your way!”

“Emotional space always comes first”

“We all have the same fears it’s just applied differently for each of us”

“Don’t defeat yourself before you’ve begun”

“Raise your faith, don’t lower your standards”

“The magic happens when it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen and you still continue to have faith within yourself and in the process”

“You can only put out your best work when you are in your best mind”


Connect with Tonya!

Instagram: @tonsvander (https://www.instagram.com/tonsvander/) (revamping www.instagram.com/vibrantambition )

Business FB Page:https://www.facebook.com/vibrantambition/
