I had so much fun with this interview! You all will LOVE Jessica Caver Lindholm as a guest on this podcast! We go over all things money, entrepreneurship, developing unwavering faith and so much more! Sit back and enjoy this super fun episode!

Jessica's a leading spiritual thought leader, entrepreneur and coach known as the ultimate freedom girl. She launched her online empire in 2014 and quickly grew it to a 6-figure business in just 6 months (after only earning $7,000 the previous year in as a personal trainer and yoga instructor). 


She's a down to earth, relatable, tell-it-like-it-is coach and business woman who creates massive results and regularly hits unrealistic goals (and helps her clients do the same) by leveraging a blend of inspired action and intuition with the most effective online marketing strategy.


Jessica's list of clients range from brand new business owners to 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs across the online spectrum from coaches, health experts, intuitives, visionaries, musicians, artists, creatives and more. She leads her community to build businesses and live lives by unleashing ALL their soul, creating massive impact AND income. 


Jessica's ToLivingFree brand and business is projected to cross the 7-figure mark in 2018.


In this episode we talk about:

-Knowing if entrepreneurship is meant for you! 

-Making decisions from love vs fear!

-Releasing the pressure around yourself and your business!

-How to make money when you don’t help others make money!

-Getting paid to be you! 

-Aligning with the higher level version of you!

-Making high level income in your business! 

-The reason why you aren’t receiving money! 

-Getting into the belief system that life is happening for you, not to you!

-Coming back to unwavering faith! 



-Tell us who you are and how you got to where you are today!

-What to do when fear pops up!

-When someone is on the fence of a decision and scared to start, what would you say to them?

-How did you start in your coaching business and get to $100k months?

-What can you say to someone who isn’t helping someone receive a tangible result like money release the fear around making money? 

-How can you help someone release the pressure on themselves? 

-What are your top tips and first steps to releasing judgement?

-What were the key factors in going from $10k-$100k within your business?

-What does “make a decision” actually mean?

-How do you push past fear and say the thing that needs to be said?

-How do you go back to who you are and what you stand for when you have been adopting other’s beliefs?

-Since this podcast is all about becoming Fiercely Unstoppable, what is an obstacle have you overcome that truly made you feel victorious? 

-What is the most exciting thing that you are working on right now? 


Favorite Quotes:

“You are either all in and you know you are meant for more, or you are dabbling on the sidelines!”

“Your results are a direct reflection of your faith!” 

“Nothing is an emergency!” 

“True freedom and getting back to certainty comes from realizing you are always in control of yourself and how you feel!” 

“If you judge it and make it wrong, you wont receive it!” 

“It’s not about wanting more, it’s about wanting it all!” 

“The part we overcomplicate is being ourselves, sharing our message, and giving ourselves permission to have everything we desires!” 

“Is your fear a valid enough reason not to live your destiny?”


Connect with Jessica!!

Free Goodie: https://tolivingfree.com/millionaire



FB: https://www.facebook.com/jessicacaverlindholm/
