In this episode, Therese shares the difference between reinvention and evolution. Reinvention is the conscious, strategic growth that involves a path and a plan. But for many of us…we are in the “evolution” process. This is very different as it’s more on a soul level where change may be forced on you. Or it may feel like things are changing and it feels like it’s taking you along for the ride!

As Therese says, Reinvention is of the mind, but evolution is of the spirit/soul. Truth is, Therese teaches that you need to blend BOTH of the pieces, but many mentors out there seem to neglect the evolution piece of it. You’ve heard it said that the thing that got you to a certain level will not take you to the next level. And so, on the path of letting yourself evolve, things will be taken away. What used to be light for you, may now feel heavy. You may feel discontent about your previous work, or notice more delight in what’s coming up.

In the episode, Therese shares a personal story of being “forced” to let go of one of her favorite programs as she evolved into a new level of work. When you accept that you are in an evolutionary phase, there is a sweet letting go and acceptance of where you are and what’s next. THEN, your brain gets to be engaged and you put the form around it. This takes DEEP trust as you dive in to find “the Holy work” that your soul is calling you to move to. Therese gives the step-by-step process for how to navigate this. This episode gives lots of tools that will be very supportive for you.

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