Mariangela knew at age 16 that she wanted to study and practice naturopathy. But unfortunately, her father didn't give her that choice. Growing up as an immigrant, she learned from her father's struggles in leaving his country, that people can't be trusted, and so she became the "good and compliant girl."

There was a high cost to this way of living. She felt isolated, didn't have her voice, couldn't champion for herself, and found herself in a field of study/career, that was not fulfilling.

It took her body starting to break down for her to realize that she was not in her soul alignment. She looked around her job and saw women who were sickly, suffering, and miserable, but they were stuck. She made the difficult decision to walk away from her employment, without knowing what was next. But she knew that in order to save her life, she had to follow the promptings of her intuition.

We talk about how our early environment, and family trauma can impact us in more ways than we know. Mariangela gives a beautiful demonstration of how to "plug in" when you are in the middle of chaos or crisis.

The main point of this episode is that very often life has to "break us open" in order for our next level or expansion to come through. Most people fight it or can't make sense of the pain, but if you listen to this show, you will understand the beautiful purpose of transformation that often comes from facing hardship.

For 30 years, Mariangela Parodi has practiced in the fields of energy medicine, biomedical science, naturopathy, holistic health, and meditation. As an alchemist, she is the Founder of the Alkymia Energie Healing -, a spiritual system that eliminates limiting beliefs, removes blocks and reprograms the mindset, creating connection and transformation which awakens your sacred power, brilliance and destiny.

Mariangela uses her sacred alchemy process to eliminate limiting beliefs, remove blocks and reprograms the mind, creating connection and transformation which awakens your unique destiny. By activating your raw pure potential, she bridges the gaps to help you overcome your challenges and accelerate your next level of passion, purpose and prosperity. She guides healers to fully express their sacred power, and boldly live from their brilliance, and be rewarded with a steady stream of income using their gifts.

Discover your soul gifts, own your spiritual power and activate your life purpose. Get in touch with Mariangela Parodi


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