In last week's episode, we set the foundation for keeping sight of Christ through the consumerism, hustle, and bustle of the holiday season. In today's episode, we get very practical... Listen in as we discuss tangible, creative, and inexpensive gift ideas, how to keep things low pressure, and how thoughtfulness can have an incredible impact.

Show notes:

New segment: Heart Check 

What book is in your hand?
What voice is in your ear?
What's stirring in your heart?

Announcement: on January 1st we're doing an online 31-Day Pursuit Challenge. Stay tuned for info. Pick up the books if you want free access to the 31-day e-course.
Recap of last week's episode:

Keeping Christ front and center
Avoid the mistake of expecting gifts to satisfy
From a place of security in Christ, enjoy Christmas with wisdom and stewardship

Discussion: Simple Gift Ideas that are Low Pressure, High Impact

Tile coasters w/ Images on them (4" white tiles, 4" square images)
Baked goods (granola, cookies, etc)
We love calendars at Costco
Give experiences

Plan an outing for the day after Christmas
Groupon is great for local, fun activities
Books that can be read together
Memberships to local places (Zoo, Museums, etc)
Give "time gifts"


The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge Bundle
Thirty-One Days of Prayer (for wives, for husbands). Incredible books!
Pilgrims Regress
Advent by Ann Voskamp

For Kids

The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls
Kiwi/Koala Crates (AMAZING)
Craft Gifts
Time w/ Kids (simple is fine, just be intentional)

For others:

Be aware of neighbors... show them intentionality
Invite neighbors over if they don't have anyone to celebrate holidays with
Give out baked goods to houses nearby

Other ideas:

Make your own advent calendar

Couple's Challenge

Pray together about how to be intentional this season.
Make a list of potential holiday hangups, pray about how to follow them
Pray about people and how you can minister out of your marriage this year

Mentioned in the show:

The Perfectly, Wonderfully Made Podcast (with Alise Marsh) <--it's incredible!
The Risen Motherhood Podcast
The Knowing Faith Podcast (mistakenly referred to as the Culture Matters Podcast, which is also good)
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
The Pilgrim's Regress by C.S. Lewis
The 31-Day Pursuit Challenge
Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: A Family Celebration of Christmas by Ann Voskamp
The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls

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