Women in business face some unique challenges when it comes to building a profitable business. That’s exactly what my guest, Natalie Coombe - a pricing and profit coach - and I discuss on this week’s episode of the Fierce Impact podcast.

Listen in to find out:

- What the most common pricing and profit related challenges are that many women in business experience.


- What burnt chop syndrome is.


- Why your salary is not a reward and what it is instead.


- Why is the 'get more sales' message we see in the online space can be misleading.


- And so much more!


If you enjoy this episode I'd love you to hit follow or subscribe in your favourite podcast player so you never miss an episode!




On Instagram @hayleymaxwellwrites


At www.hayleymaxwell.com 




Natalie’s website: www.nataliecoombe.com


Natalie’s Instagram: @nataliecoombeonline


Natalies resources:

3 Ways To Increase Your Profit, Working Less Hours


3 Steps To Know Your Value So You Can Start To Charge What You’re Worth