Did you know you have a unique voice? Unique quirks? Unique experiences that help shape your calling and purpose? Whether we're business owners, employees, ministry leaders, or volunteers, we can all leverage our uniqueness to do what we were created to do.

My guest today is Katie Hornor. We're continuing the conversation we began a year ago, and this is better than a Part II--because although this episode builds on the first one--we gain a fresh perspective . We are called to shine our lights, not only in faith-based businesses and ministry work, but in the secular arena as well.

Sharing Our Message in the Marketplace

As Katie reminds us, "They will know we are Christians by our love." Katie also reminds us that we're unique. Rather than trying to forced into someone else's mold, we're free to be ourselves.

I know what Katie has to share will encourage, inspire, and challenge you so listen in while I have another chat with Katie Hornor.

Favorite Quotes from Leveraging Our Uniqueness to Do What We Were Created to Do ...

"You have unique experiences, unique training, a unique background, unique beliefs--all of this makes you unique and that's going to speak to certain people ..."

"The last thing any of us want is to be forced into somebody else's mold ..."

--Katie Hornor

Connect with Katie! Learn more about leveraging our uniqueness to do what we were created to do ...

You can connect with Katie at theflamingoadvantage.com. There you'll find all her social media links and books. There you will also find her The Flamingo Advantage Podcast!

Check out her original podcast: For Your Success Podcast with Katie Hornor

Grab her book Faith like Flamingos: The Christian Business Guide to Walking Out Your Faith in Bold Color and grab your FREE copy of The Flamingo Advantage: How to Leverage Unique, Stay Relevant and Change the World

Instagram: @katiehornor

FREE COURSE: Business with God that Katie mentioned the Show...

Business with God

Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. Isaiah 45:11 KJV

More about Katie...

Katie Hornor

International Speaker and Online Business Coach, KATIE HORNOR, has an eye for the unique and a heart to champion believers in business whose message will change the world.

Katie and her husband of 19 years, Tap Hornor, are missionary advocates, expats of 15+ years, self-taught entrepreneurs and Christian business mentors since 2014.

More about flamingos and Katie's mission ...

Over nearly a decade of coaching, Katie's come to realize that most Christian business owners, like the flamingos, seem oblivious to how special, and fabulous they are which results in running their business governed by the fear of man, feelings of inadequacy, or sabotaged by comparison and indecision.

Katie’s inspirational story of ex-missionary to six-figure expat business owner began over 12 years ago at her kitchen table while balancing a baby on her lap. In 2022 she was one of the top 10 entrepreneurs to watch by FOX, NBC and CBS.

Katie’s Master's degree in Education and teaching experience in different fields has distinguished her as a leader in the world of online courses and curriculum development.

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