Show Notes

Meg Glesener was raised by a father who was atheist and mom of little faith. When Jesus got a hold of Meg's heart as a teen He transformed her life and brought new hopeAA. Her life's joy is being a mom and she especially loves being a mom to teens and adult children who are parents themselves. Hear what it means to be a mentor mom and important take-aways in loving our teens and adult kids well. You will be encouraged by her words today, so listen in as I have a chat with Meg Glesener.

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Friend, every woman of God has a fierce calling.  I hope this podcasts encourages you in your walk with Christ and to step out in faith to do what God is calling you to do.

I hope you'll join me next time when I invite another woman to share where she's taking action where her passion, compassion, and conviction intersect. Until then friend, have a blessed week and I'll talk to you soon...

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