If you've ever asked questions like, does God really see me? Would Jesus leave the 99 to go after the 1 if that 1 was me? This episode answers those questions in a tangible way. The biblical answers to those questions are yes and yes--but what does it look like in real life? Born and raised Mormon, my friend, Michelle Mercer, had never experienced anything beyond religion. She shares a powerful & personal encounter with Jesus--the ultimate love story. Jesus undeniably pursued her when He wasn't even on her radar.

Michelle and her husband, Michael, were successful by the world's standards. They earned top positions and seemingly had it all. But their marriage was struggling, and something important was missing from their lives, or should I say someone. They didn't know Jesus and really didn't care to--yet family members never gave up on them, and neither did Jesus.

When I heard Michelle's story in its entirety, I knew I needed to share it on Fierce Calling, and Michelle wholeheartedly agreed to allow me to. I will have her on again in the future to talk about the many missions and ministries she's been a part of. We'll talk about life as an RN, extensive missions in other countries, and Days for Girls--a ministry providing menstrual supplies to girls locally and around the world.

But today, we hear Michelle's powerful story of love, redemption, and transformation. Today we hear about how she met Jesus in a personal and powerful way. This format sounds like a TED talk, professional, concise, and humorous--but it's a God talk, and no TED talk compares to that.

I know what Michelle shares will encourage, inspire, and bring you fresh hope. So listen to this powerful testimony from Michelle Mercer.

Scripture Verses Mentioned in A Personal & Powerful Encounter with Jesus--The Ultimate Love Story

"Then you will desecrate your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, 'Away with you!'" Isaiah 30:22 (NIV)

" For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved." Romans 10:10 (NIV)

Michelle Mercer

Michelle Mercer is a retired Registered Nurse, wife, and is active in missions. She and her husband, Michael, have served in numerous missional efforts, including a child sponsorship program in Honduras. Michelle and her team of women provide Days for Girls kits containing menstrual supplies and education to young girls and women who lack basic provisions for their monthly periods. The Days for Girls outreach has included Lebanon, Sudan, and Honduras, as well as local agencies and organizations. 

After spending the majority of her career in Healthcare leadership, God gifted Michelle with many skills and opportunities, but it wasn’t until she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior that He completely transformed her and changed her life forever. 

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