My special guest, Julie Holmquist, an author, speaker, and host of the Kairos Moments podcast, shares her insights on calling out the gifts and talents in women. She loves helping equip women in what God calls them to do. He leads and uses Julie in empowering women in their callings and purpose.

In this episode, Julie emphasizes the importance of words of affirmation and how they can truly uplift and encourage us on our paths. She also sheds light on the need to discern the source of feedback and not let negative comments hinder our growth. Such golden nuggets of God's truth in this episode!

Favorite Quotes from Empowering Women in Their Callings with Julie Holmquist ...

"...because if we get bitter in that disappointment, that's where we get stuck. And then we're not doing anyone any good.  Matter of fact, the Bible says the bitterness poisons everybody, right? And so we just need to always keep our heart in check with the Lord. And he's called us to be fruitful, not successful, and success looks very different to Him." --Julie Holmquist

"Seeing the gifts in other people and calling them out, empowering them and just cheering them on all along the way brings me so much joy" --Julie Holmquist

My Episode with Julie on Her Podcast--Kairos Moments


Timestamp Moments

The Power of Encouragement: "When someone speaks a positive word into your life, what they see that you're good at, what they see God doing in your life, it's like water on parched soil."— Julie 00:04:4600:05:44

Feeling Left Out: "Sometimes we can feel left out even by God. It can be really painful when we feel like that's something that God is leaving us in a season of just complacency, but he never does that."— Doris 00:17:3600:19:07

The Power of Patience: "We need someone to constantly remind us he's working behind the scenes. You don't need to go dig it up and question."— Julie  00:21:0900:22:15

Dealing with Doubters: "And then there are going to be those people who are going to mock whatever God is trying to do."— Julie 00:24:2600:25:25

Connect with Julie!

Julie Holmquist is an author, podcast host (“Kairos Moments”), and a speaker. God has given Julie deep insight into His Word with real-life, transformational application. She empowers Christian women to take bold and confident steps forward with their God-given dreams while developing a more intimate relationship with God and becoming the women He’s created them to be in the process. Her work has been featured in Focus on the Family magazine,, and The Secret Place.

Julie’s written the first in a series of workbooks that will encourage women with a God-given dream to get deeply rooted in who they are in Christ. The other two workbooks will teach women what an intimate relationship with God looks like and to how to make a lasting, kingdom impact on the world around them. BOOK JULIE TO SPEAK!!

“Defined” (IDENTITY in Christ)

“Known” (INTIMACY with God) – COMING SOON

“Called” (Making an IMPACT through the Holy Spirit) – COMING SOON

She and her husband have four sons. They live in Charlotte, NC. You can connect with Julie at the following:

Website: Stuff of Heaven (“Kairos Moments” episodes are published here

Instagram: Stuff of Heaven

Facebook Page: Stuff of Heaven (Julie Holmquist)

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