Previous Episode: Coming Full Circle

I can't help but love it when some people f*ck with authority, especially when they are on the right side of history. Prof. David Nutt is one of those people.

David is currently the Edmond J. Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit in the Division of Brain Sciences.  He is also the Chair of DrugScience (formally the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD)) and President of the European Brain Council.

But he's probably best known for up-ending everything we were taught about drugs in high school after he authored a study published in the Lancet that showed, through a multi-criteria analysis, that things like cannabis, psilocybin and LSD weren't nearly as harmful to people as was our then (and still, frankly) vice, alcohol.

And we should all be grateful he did because in many ways that was a pivotal moment for the psychedelic renaissance and the start of a healthy reexamination of psychoactive compounds in our society.

His recent book, Psychedelics: The Revolutionary Drugs That Could Change Your Life - a Guide From the Expert, was published in June 2023 and is now available for pre-order in Canada and the US. You can get your copy here.