Alex Ikonn – co-founder of Luxy Hair and ‘The Five Minute Journal’ – joins Ronan to discuss his first trip on Ayahuasca. Alex recalls how his only trip was potent enough to open his eyes to the world around him. It fundamentally shifted how he viewed others, and how he understood himself. Upon reflection, Alex realized he’s too judgemental and makes assumptions about others without factoring in their life experience – or his own. For Alex, life is an emotional ride and the high’s and low’s make things exciting. Ultimately, everyone is on their own trip – and we have the power to influence how the journey feels. In this episode we discuss:

How to be open minded to challenge perceptions of yourself – and the world around you;Using intention when taking a trip. Consider how your thoughts and decisions align with your values. Ground yourself and reflect on how your personal experience shapes you;How to find gratitude in the everyday of life and bring meaning in your relationships. Life is an emotional experience: there is no good – and there is no bad.

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