This week I'm talking with Lauren Hughes.  Lauren Hughes is a Serial Entrepreneur, Realtor, and Investor, currently working on her 5th business, Hughes Capital, started last year, which she is planning to grow to be over $10 million within the next 5-7 years.  

Listen in to hear about:

Her journey to her current level of success as a serial entrepreneur with 5 businessesHer drive and confidence knowing she could do it wellThe inner work that made it possibleEvery decision you make affects every area of your lifeInnovating in real estate that made the software industry seem tameHow imposter syndrome showed up for her early onYou don’t know what you don’t know..early onImposter syndrome shows up more the more you know, and the more experience you haveDiagnosed with dyslexia and told she wouldn’t be successful in life She learned that because she thinks differently from others it gave her a way to innovate success Life-long inner reflection helped her understand that neurodivergence and thinking differently leads to innovation.Learning to use her inner imposter as a tool to reduce mistakes

You can learn more about GUEST here: Voyage ATL, Hypopotemus, Best and Brightest


If you are a driven entrepreneur who’s:

At the top of your game, yet find your consistent successes aren’t feeling like you thought they would,And you are ready to root out any vestiges of imposter syndrome self-sabotage that are holding you back from expanding out of your comfort zone and into your next level,AND you are ready for success that truly feels like success

Book a call with me.

We'll have an intimate conversation about you and your business. We’ll explore what what might be holding you back from enjoying your success. You’ll leave with your next step.

If you still need more help at the end of the call, and it makes sense to both of us - we'll talk about what it would look like to work together.

If this sounds good to you, click the Book Trina link ==>


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Are you a Coach and an Entrepreneur?Have you had a major mindset shift that helped you overcome a major business challenge, and allowed you to increase your impact?Would you love to share how you are multiplying your impact using your unique skills and abilities?

If so, I'd love to interview you!

Apply to be interviewed here on The Field Guide To Awesome podcast:

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