This week I'm talking with Iva Paleckova.

Iva is the CEO of and the host of the Leaders Break Free podcast.

She is known for taking her business from 0 to 7 figures in 18 months, as a single mom to an infant.

Iva helps high performing multi 6 and 7 figure business owners break free of their barriers and fall MADLY in love with their business.  She also helps beginner coaches to launch their 6-figure brands.

Listen in to hear about:

Self healingStart telling yourself the truth about yourselfWhat are you not willing to look at?Where are you confused? How confusion shows up - and why it is especially hard for coachesIva shares a download about why we emerged into the life we have nowWe think others have “figured it out” when they really haven’tWe tend to avoid our “negative” feelings, but they actually serve a purposeWe need to go in deep, into the dark places to reshape ourselves from the inside out

You can learn more about Iva here:

Attend Iva’s next free virtual retreat here: Listen to Iva’s podcast here: a free call with Iva’s team here: her at: [email protected] Friend her on Facebook at:


If you are a driven entrepreneur who’s: 

At the top of your game, yet find your consistent successes aren’t feeling like you thought they would, And you are ready to root out any vestiges of imposter syndrome self-sabotage that are holding you back from expanding out of your comfort zone and into your next level, AND you are ready for success that truly feels like success

Book a call with me.

We'll have an intimate conversation about you and your business. We’ll explore what what might be holding you back from enjoying your success. You’ll leave with your next step.

If you still need more help at the end of the call, and it makes sense to both of us - we'll talk about what it would look like to work together. 

If this sounds good to you, click the Book Trina link ==> 


Would you like to be interviewed on the Field Guide To Awesome Podcast?

Are you a Coach and an Entrepreneur? Have you had a major mindset shift that helped you overcome a major business challenge, and allowed you to increase your impact?Would you love to share how you are multiplying your impact using your unique skills and abilities?

If so, I'd love to interview you!

Apply to be interviewed here on The Field Guide To Awesome podcast:

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Facebook Group: The Field Guide To Awesome Podcast Tribe

The Field Guide To Awesome: Your Energetic Path To Flow free FB group: