Sue Perez an Emmy Award-winning television makeup artist for NBC Universal. She's also worked on The Dr. Oz show, HBO, and Law and Order-SVU. Author of Beneath The Makeup- 12 lessons to empower and inspire you!

Sue shares her story of how she became a professional makeup artist and evolved her career. Sue also talks about:

Photoshoots, modeling, doing makeupWorking on NBC for a morning news showWinning an Emmy AwardHave a big goal, and continuous small steps to reach itCommitted to helping women to step into their confidence and share their brand on videoHow she overcame comparing herself to other's success using mentorship, and continuously improving her skillsets - specifically sense of self, self-confidenceThe hardest person to win over is ourselvesThe only way we can break through is to go through.You have to show upWe have to step into our worth and value.Self-judgment, self-criticism, and perfectionism get in the wayWhen you make up your mind to change, the change becomes possible.Invest in yourself and commit to the change you desireWhere confidence comes from.

You can learn more about Sue Perez here:

www.dynamicvideocoach.comFacebook: The Video Coach


If you are a coach who wants to identify your self-worth, breakthrough limiting beliefs, and overcome energetic blocks to scale to CONSISTENT 5k+ months, I invite you to book a call with me.

We'll have an intimate conversation about you, your business, and what is holding you back from scaling to consistent 5k plus months in your coaching business. If you still need more help at the end of the call, and it makes sense to both of us - we'll talk about what it would look like to work together. 

If this sounds good to you, click the Book Trina link ==>


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