Láis shares how she reinvented herself after a 2008 spinal cord injury led to quadriplegia. She used that experience to rediscover her spiritual path, transform herself to come back to her essence and become a creative entrepreneur.

How she acknowledged what she had lost, and then rebirthed herself. Láis embraced being whole as she was now, and forged her own path into entrepreneurship.How her business evolved when she incorporated her life-long love of astrology.How astrology helps us see the parts of us that are difficult to look at - taking the fear out of looking at what was once scary, and instead seeing it as a masterpiece that incorporates all aspects of ourselves.

We also discuss:

Imposter Syndrome - we each are at unique points in our life experience, and have stories to tell - it's not a competition of who had wars to fight, it's about being human, being real, and connecting with our truth.we also talk about creating new life rules, and working in our Zone of Genius.How Entrepreneurship is a spiritual path

You can learn more about Lais at:


Laís also shares 2 astrology secrets to captivate and shine from the inside out. You can get your own copy here:



Are you an Entrepreneur? Have you had a major mindset shift that helped you overcome a major business challenge, and allowed you to increase your impact?

Would you love to share how you are multiplying your impact?

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