Introducing using Mindset as a tool to transform not just yourself, but entire populations. When we create a movement we help people affordably create massive change for themselves and the community.

What does mindset really mean though? How the Change Your Mind To Change Your World Global Mindset summit came to be.Creating better questionsHow she used the "Merlin Principal" to reverse engineer the summitLisa's vision of creating "enrollment", getting the conversation started and creating a movementThe power of creating a big (huge) inspiring dream, and how it creates a massive impact.We as human beings are so much bigger than what we realizeOvercoming self-doubt by focusing less on self and more on serving others.Awareness reveals opportunities

Even though the global mindset summit has already gone live, you can still access all of the recorded sessions for free by visiting:


Are you an Entrepreneur? Have you had a major mindset shift that helped you overcome a major business challenge, and allowed you to increase your impact?

Would you love to share how you are multiplying your impact?

If so, I'd love to interview you!

Apply to be interviewed here on The Field Guide To Awesome podcast: