I hope this encourages those facing flat sales. We all walk that path from time to time— but during July and August it is especially discouraging. Take heart flower friends—you can overcome this issue when you recognize it and make changes.

We are so happy about our partnership with the Growing For Market Magazine! A tremendous resource. Use the coupon code: WORKSHOP to get 25% off any subscription.

Book: The Flower Farmer by Lynn Byczynski

On-Demand Workshop: The No-Till Micro-Scale Flower Farm with Jonathan & Megan Leiss

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Are you on the Clubhouse phone app? Join Lisa's club, called Flower Farming, to be notified when she schedules new chats! We're live on Clubhouse Wednesdays at 1pm Eastern, or you can listen to our chat replays anytime inside the app.

The Field and Garden Podcast is produced by Lisa Mason Ziegler, award-winning author of Vegetables Love Flowers and Cool Flowers, owner of The Gardener’s Workshop, Flower Farming School Online, and the publisher of Farmer-Florist School Online and Florist School Online. Watch Lisa’s Story and connect with Lisa on social media!