You are working harder than ever to generate revenue and make money. But are you being just as proactive, smart, and savvy about creating plan for your financial goals and well-being? It is a common misconception that financial planning is only for those with a lot of money.

The reality is that most people who are financially successful started creating a plan to meet their financial goals sooner than later. And, they have encouraged employees to do the same by offering a 401K, IRA, or other retirement plan. In fact, such plans can be used as recruitment, employee retention, and job satisfaction tools. Working with a professional financial advisor can get you and your business farther faster.


In this episode of the P.O.W.E.R. Plug podcast, Host Mary Foley speaks with three Wealth Advisors from Stratos Wealth Partners in New Orleans about wealth management and pre-retirement wealth accumulation strategies. With 64 years of experience between them, Sean Laughlin, Claiborne Perrilliat, and Phillip Garrett assist small business owners and individuals in making smart investment decisions no matter the market climate. Their parent organization manages over 14.5 billion in client assets.

Listen and Learn:

The difference between financial planning and investing The misconception that only those with lots of money need a financial plan Some of the biggest financial concerns people are experiencing because of COVID-19 Reasons to hire a financial advisor/coach Tips for building a sustainable investment strategy Common investment mistakes of small business owners

A practical approach to offering a 401k or IRA plan to employees

Stratos New Orleans

(504) 522-4442