We all are experiencing a dramatic and sudden charge to our personal and professional lives because of the Coronavirus. First, we want you to stay safe, stay positive and we’re here to help you stay POWERful.


Because of the crisis, it’s likely you are working from home and figuring out how to help clients, as well as connect with prospects. Which means now more than ever, you need to do virtual networking and do it well.


In this episode, host Mary Foley talks with four leaders of area networking groups about how they are helping their members stay connected and growing using virtual networking:


Amanda Polkey is President of the ABWA Crescent City Connections Chapter, as well as a Recruiting Consultant, Payroll Funding and Back Office Expert with People 2.0.


Becky Gustafson is President of NAWBO New Orleans. She is also a Financial Advisor at Gustafson Wealth Management, a Northwestern Mutual Wealth Management Company.


Phala Mire is the President and CEO of Women’s Business Enterprise Council South.


Sandra Lindquist is COO of The New Orleans Chamber of Commerce.


Listen and Learn:

Why it’s important to stay connected virtually, especially during a crisis Creative ways to replace in-person meeting and events using online tools Recommendations on how to use social media during the quarantine How virtual networking impacts introverts, extraverted, and ambiverts differently Hidden opportunities with virtual networking because of the Coronavirus crisis The biggest mistake a woman in business could make right now with virtual networking


Amanda Polkey
Recruiting Consultant, Payroll Funding and Back Office Expert with People 2.0
Becky Gustafson
Financial Advisor with Gustafson Wealth Management

Phala Mire
Sandra Lindquist