Is Privacy Still Legal?

No matter how you look at it, we face invasions of our privacy on a daily basis. Some culprits are the nosey neighbor next door, or that overly concerned co-worker who asks too many questions.

On a larger scale, our crypto privacy comes into question when we least expect it. How is our chat privacy compromised you ask? Well it’s simple really. 

When you are scrolling through your favorite social media websites, or even on video chat, you are expelling invisible data. To you it may seem like you are just reading a messenger chat from friends, in reality every click and swipe is registered, analyzed, and recorded. 

This may not seem like much of an issue, until you realize that this private information can be used for various reasons. When you get phone calls during election season for instance, you are typically grouped into many categories as a potential voter. These categories could be based on income, race, your address, and sometimes your credit!

How do these companies know so much about you? Why are you subjected to constant placement and being categorized? Is your privacy at stake? What is this issue in regard to crypto privacy? The answer is data collection.

What Role Does uPlexa Play?

There have been many unsavory stories about losses since crypto hit mainstream a few years ago. You will hear just as many crypto privacy horror stories as you will happy endings. Currently the market is slowly recovering from a mad sell, and seems as volatile as ever.

uPlexa is still relatively unknown on the mainstream waves, but is a heavyweight when it comes to privacy and security. This project is one of the top rated privacy coins in the cryptocurrency global ecosystem, yet not many know about it. uPlexa chat is available on Telegram, Discord, and now Just search uPlexa on to find links to many community resources.

Messengers are typically not private, even when they claim to be. 

FCFVA seeks to change this.

Privacy is very important as this episode discusses in regard to the digital age we are currently living in. We depend on this technology, but now the technology needs their $20 back. Seriously, if you could have a list of how much information websites and apps steal from you in the course of an hour, it would make you think twice before that next social post. Is On The Move

It’s funny how people will avoid the obvious solution. FCFVA is for the people, and crypto privacy has simplified many ways of communicating and marketing in general. Breaking social trends is not a guaranteed route to success, but FCFVA privacy in some cases it is the only route. Features HD Video Calling and Group Video

Introducing video chats, audio chat, and private messenger updates to means more for you! In order to continue to have our voices heard unfiltered, we must take whatever means necessary to achieve greatness.

Privacy is possible in 2023 and beyond. Don’t settle for mainstream privacy coins.

There are no prizes for followers, likes or shares in the world of social media unless you are monetized or own a platform. People who have tons of followers can seem depressed as hell sometimes. You should be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor without sacrificing who you truly are. 

Invest in your privacy, invest in uPlexa (start small, test it out for yourself, I AM NOT A FINANCIAL GUIDE AND THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, invest at your own risk), check out the new Video Chat and Audio Group Chat on FCFVA Social. #uplexa2023 #uplexa #fcfva

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