This week’s Fiber Talk podcast is sponsored by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America at Our guest, Lucy Newman of LJN Studio, is the 2022 Hand and Lock Prize winner, a 2023 Fine Art Textile Awards finalist, and an extremely talented and creative needlework artist. In our conversation, we learn about her formal schooling, how […]

Lucy’s interpretation of what a flower might look like after nuclear mutation.Pet portrait by Lucy Newman.This week’s Fiber Talk podcast is sponsored by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America at Our guest, Lucy Newman of LJN Studio, is the 2022 Hand and Lock Prize winner, a 2023 Fine Art Textile Awards finalist, and an extremely talented and creative needlework artist. In our conversation, we learn about her formal schooling, how her years working with sculpture artist Robert Montgomery shaped her art, and how she approaches her designs. She loves to do bullion and French knots and has created a fascinating series of embroidery art pieces that reflect her vision of how botanicals would mutate after an apocalypse. She’s also optimistic about the future of embroidery: “I think that embroidery is having a revival due to people’s frustration with constantly being plugged into technology and throw-away culture.” We hope you enjoy the conversation and encourage you to visit Lucy’s website and Instagram account to see more of her work.–Beth and Gary

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Visit the EGA website at and consider joining.

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Here are some links:

Embroiderers’ Guild of America website
Lucy Newman’s website
Lucy Newman on Instagram

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Lucy Newman. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.

