Kathy Andrews of The Unbroken Thread joins us this week for her fourth visit. The show is sponsored by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America. This week’s topics include Kathy’s upcoming EGA class, Trevelyon’s Needlebook. Registration closes March 6 so join the EGA and sign up quickly. We also talk about the pros and cons of […]

Trevelyon’s Needlebook, and upcoming EGA class taught by Kathy Andrews.The maze in the Mary Parsons sampler.Kathy Andrews of The Unbroken Thread joins us this week for her fourth visit. The show is sponsored by the Embroiderers’ Guild of America. This week’s topics include Kathy’s upcoming EGA class, Trevelyon’s Needlebook. Registration closes March 6 so join the EGA and sign up quickly. We also talk about the pros and cons of online and live teaching and designing for teaching vs. designing for art. Our main topic is the history behind the various motifs in reproduction samplers, Kathy’s upcoming research on alphabets and text, the Solomon’s Porch motif, and what Kathy has learned about samplers with mazes and/or labyrinths. While we typically focus on the girls who stitched the samplers, the elements that make up the samplers and their history is an equally, if not more, interesting topic. Be sure to follow Kathy on social media and bookmark her website to keep up on the exciting things she’s doing.–Gary

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This show is also available on FlossTube. Click here to view it.

Visit the EGA website at egausa.org and consider joining.You can listen by using the player above or you can subscribe to Fiber Talk through iTunes, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Podbay, Podbean, and many other podcast sources. To receive e-mail notification of new podcasts, provide your name and e-mail address below. We do not sell/share e-mail addresses.

Here are some links:

Embroiderers’ Guild of America website
The Unbroken Thread website
The Unbroken Thread on Instagram
The Unbroken Thread on Facebook
Marking Time: Objects, People, and Their Lives book
Solomon’s Porch research

We hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Kathy Andrews. We’re always looking for guests, so let us know if there is someone you’d like us to have on the show.

