Previous Episode: Laura Zander

On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (05/12/14), my guest will be Stuart Hochwert, President and Founder of Prime Publishing.

Stuart is an expert and really a cutting edge entrepreneur in world of internet marketing and content creation. He’s also, in my opinion, a giant in the online fiber arts world.

Prime Publishing is his 4th media start-up. Their group of 27 cooking and crafting properties creates, aggregates and reviews original content. The brands span digital websites, e-mail newsletters, social media, licensing, e-commerce, business information, and marketing services.

If you don’t recognize the name, Prime Publishing, that’s because you probably know them from their more well know online presciences like,,,, and the Knit Picky Patterns eNewsletters… to name just a few. 

He and his team are great folks that do a wonderful job reaching millions of knitters and crocheters with killer content. And they’ve been great partners me, to our company (XRX, Inc.), and to many of our STITCHES vendors and sponsors that we work with.

I’m excited to have him on the show to talk about himself, his company, and something new that we have planned. I hope you’ll join us for what I can guarantee will be an exciting show.