Monday (04/11/2020) my guest was Gaye Glasspie a.k.a. GGmadeit or GG. Gaye is a 50-something-year-old who fell in love with knitting late in life—in just the last 9 or 10 years. She is also a force of nature!

GG is self-taught via YouTube, some wonderfully friendly yarn stores... and she is obsessed with all things orange. GG discovered knitting during a very challenging time in her life. She says that knitting is her ride or die, her BFF, her kind of therapy. Knitting has also become a beautiful bridge into a world of wonderful people and a way to universally connect with others through knitting.

If you’ve ever met her before, you know that Gaye’s enthusiasm is irrepressible. I’m so pleased that she that she could be on the show. Please tune in and listen to this remarkable lady.