Today we have Jessica from The Fioneers. She’s a co-founder of along with her husband Corey. Their financial independence blog was a 2019 Plutus Award Winner for Best New Personal Finance Blog. We discuss a wide range of topics, including an overview of the Slow FI concept she developed with her husband. We also dive into how she overcame several limiting beliefs in order to become an entrepreneur and launch a new business. Finally, Jessica shares why Slow FI is an ideal option for people pursuing financial freedom later in life.

Jessica lives in Boston and works in nonprofit, in her mid-30s, learned about FI when she was 30
Husband had learned about FI but didn’t feel like it applied to their situation
She started to feel burned out in her job, toxic environment, but had doubled her income
Felt like she needed to stay in her job for 10+ years to reach FI, traditional FIRE path didn’t fit
Ended up taking a 6-month leave due to anxiety and ultimately left her job
Decided to work part-time, which was an option based on their savings
Was able to focus on passion projects and find a work/life balance
Came up with the concept of Slow FI:
“The journey to financial independence should be as remarkable as the destination.”
Even with her pay cut they were able to maintain close to a 60% savings rate
Read the book Work Optional by Tanja Hester,, and was introduced to the concept of mini, or semi-retirement
Decided to start a Slow FI Interview series:
Found examples of people pursuing financial freedom while still living their lives

Seven Limiting Beliefs blog post:

Started a coaching business to help people design an ideal life
Ran into internal challenges and barriers that held her back and felt it was important to share these challenges with others
Belief #1: I should be able to figure all of this out by myself.
Belief #2: I should know that something will be successful before trying it.
Growth mindset vs a fixed mindset
Belief #5: I need to feel totally confident before moving forward.
Why people struggle with overcoming fears to face a challenge

How imposter syndrome holds people back

Challenges that I’ve faced with my blog and podcast
The importance of people sharing their stories and inspiring others
The challenges of sharing FI concepts with people who are not pursuing FI

Advice for people starting to pursue FI later in life: slow FI makes a lot of sense for people in their 40s

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